6yo China Boy Busts Out Insane Dance Moves While Having Meltdown from Being Woken Up!

Anyone who loves sleep knows how painful it feels to be woken up from a good slumber, so much so that you could just burst into tears!

That’s exactly what a little 6-year-old boy did when he was woken up by his mother during a dance competition, except he also broke into some mind-blowing moves while he had his meltdown.

The 新华社 Weibo page recently shared a hilarious video of the little boy as he had his emotional breakdown from being woken up at the dance competition, while also impressively breaking it down (break dancing)!

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They wrote, “Little boy at a Hip Hop competition cries and shows off his moves, shocking the audience!”

“This little brother was woken up at a Hip Hop dance competition and had to start the show. Recently, at the auditions of the Hip Hop dance competition in Yuncheng of the Shanxi province, the little boy came on stage with tears in his eye and then proceeded to bust out the ‘ultimate move’, which shocked the audience.”

In the video, the little boy could be seen being escorted onto the stage as he had a full on emotional meltdown. 

Despite his crying, he broke out moves that seemed humanly impossible! (So humanly impossible that we don’t even know how to describe his moves.)

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According to a photographer who was at the scene, the little boy had fallen fast asleep before it was his turn to go on stage.

“He was woken up by his mother and brought to the stage. Unexpectedly, he performed various difficult moves after taking to the stage,” they added.

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And he did all of that while crying from being woken up!

You can check out the hilarious and incredible video here.

Who wants to start a petition to let the adorable boy sleep? We’re ready to sign it!

Also read: Adorable Little Girl Throws Tantrum After Discovering Fishy Surprise in Ice Cream Container

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