Mustard Seed Faith: DJ Mustard’s Spiritual Journey


In anticipation of his forthcoming album, Faith Of A Mustard Seed, which cleverly integrates his name into a spiritual principle, Mustard opens the track with, “First, give an honor to God/To Ms. Carol who had first brought me and my moms/To the church where I know I ain’t been in so long/I just pray that when I call, they still pick up the phone.”

The phrase “faith of a mustard seed” refers to a biblical teaching by Jesus to His disciples, where He states, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20).

“Incorporating Christian themes into music and visuals is a common practice among mainstream lyricists and producers,” says Terri LaRue, part of the music editorial team at EEW Magazine Online. “From hardcore rappers to renowned R&B artists, religion and spirituality are integral parts of their lives and often influence their public expressions.”

Mustard is proof.

“I pray to God that God direct my steps on this path I’m going,” he raps—his first time doing so. “Gimme peace of mind, so that I stay focused.”

Known for his globally recognized producer tag, “Mustard on the beat,” DJ Mustard transitions to the mic, revealing depth through his lyrics. He touches on being raised by his uncle after his father was deported to Jamaica, losing both grandparents to COVID-19, and acknowledging those who kept him away from a potentially perilous street lifestyle dominated by gang violence.

In “Pray For Me,” Mustard adds, “Lord, gimme the faith I need to move mountains/Gimme financial freedom, know that there’s no accountant that’s more able than you/There’s no problems on this Earth greater than you/And if it’s Your will, then/Let me do everything that I was created to do/Help me change lives, like you changed minds/Like you changed mines, how could I forget?/How you made a millionaire out of 15 cent.”

Raised in South Central LA’s Crenshaw District, also known as “The Jungle,” Mustard chose to create hit records instead of hitting the streets—a decision that has allowed him to outlive many of his peers.

In his latest track, he also seeks prayers for his children, who have been at the center of an ongoing custody battle with his former wife, Chanel Thierry, following their split in 2022 after 12 years together, one year married.”

Watch the “Pray For Me” official music video below. *Warning: Profanity included*

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