DJs and waffles: Mass. restaurant honoring a ‘notorious’ rapper Sunday


March 9 marks 28 years since one of the most acclaimed rappers, The Notorious B.I.G., was shot and killed in Los Angeles.

In celebration of the rapper’s life and career, a Worcester restaurant is holding a special brunch in his honor on the anniversary of his death.

The “Biggie Brunch” will be held at 1885 at 48 Green St. in Worcester on Sunday, March 9, from 1-9 p.m., according to Cam Brigham, the owner and manager of the restaurant.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, The Notorious B.I.G., also known as Biggie, Biggie Smalls and by his real name, Christopher Wallace, is considered by many as one the greatest rappers who ever lived.

The event will feature live performances from three DJs: DJ “Jack Frawst”, DJ Cortes, and DJ Lucas, all three of whom are hip-hop DJs, the owner told MassLive.

The menu at the restaurant will be the same, featuring items such as avocado toast, french toast waffles and steak and eggs, according to Brigham. The owner, however, is considering naming some of his drinks after songs performed by The Notorious B.I.G.

“Instead of ‘Mo Money Mo Problems” maybe it’s ‘Mo Money Mo Mimosas” Brigham said, referencing the rapper’s song from his studio album “Life After Death.”

DJ Lucas, one of the performers at the brunch, said the music featured will be from The Notorious B.I.G’s catalog and other songs from artists of the ’90s and the early 2000s.

Lucas, who is from Worcester, said the rapper was a major influence on him and his work and that his favorite song by Biggie is “Juicy” from his first album, “Ready to Die.”

“I always played Biggie when I started DJ-ing,” Lucas said. “He’s always been one of the greatest rappers out there.”

Biggie is known for his hit singles such as “Juicy,” “Big Poppa,” and “Hypnotized.” He was also an icon in representing East Coast rap, getting into a rivalry with rappers from the West Coast — namely Tupac Shakur.

On March 9, after Biggie attended the Soul Train Awards in Los Angeles, he was sitting in a Chevrolet Suburban stopped at a red light. A black, Chevrolet Impala drove up beside the car, the driver’s window rolled down, and a pistol was drawn and shot at Biggie’s vehicle. Struck by bullets, he was rushed to a hospital and was pronounced dead.

1885 in Worcester is not the only location holding a “Biggie Brunch” on the anniversary of Biggie’s death.

New York City; East Providence, Rhode Island and Durham, North Carolina are some of the cities where brunches honoring The Notorious B.I.G. will be held.

The “Biggie Brunch” in Worcester takes place at 1885 at 48 Green St. from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.

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