Graffiti popping up all over Ohio City leaving neighbors confused


CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) – If you drive around Ohio City, you will notice new hot pink and black graffiti messages spray painted up and down the neighborhoods.

Most of it can be viewed on Woodbine Avenue between W 38th and Fulton Road.

The person responsible tagging homes, businesses, fences, and apartment buildings.

The messages read, “In the Kingdom of love there is no competition” and “Highest Creator Light Dark Design”.

Peter Arain and Berkley Stocking were on a walk Wednesday afternoon. They started noticing more and more of the graffiti around each corner, leaving them confused.

“What does it mean? Why are we doing that?” says Stocking.

Bothe Peter and Berkley say the spray paint doesn’t bother them and they view it as art.

“It is kind of like a riddle. Maybe we will figure it out one day,” says Arain.

Some neighbors upset over the vandalism. While others just decided to paint over it.

Cleveland Police said they are aware of the incidents and are asking people to please report the exact locations of the graffiti.

“I can understand both sides of the argument. I think they are interesting,” says Arain.

“Graffitiing someone’s house is kind of crazy though,” says Berkley.

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