
Image by Kenja Benjamin

“I think people shouldn’t be afraid to be themselves and follow what they love doing. No matter how different it may be from what others are doing, it’s okay!” Wise words from the legend that is Terox, an 11-year-old spray paint and graffiti artist from Newcastle. Not only is Terox the youngest person ever to have his work featured in the Baltic, but he will soon open his first solo exhibition, Garden Graff.

The young artist explained more about his work and inspirations. “My parents would take me around Newcastle so I could look at the graffiti when I was about two or three. I started drawing and painting around the same time. I’d collect graf books and get inspiration from them.” Terox’s technique with spray paint is absolutely magic – his dedication for the art form is incredible and really shines through in the work. The art is bright, vibrant and full of life, with gorgeous colours carefully placed inside striking, dreamlike weather-inspired shapes and patterns. There are a tonne of brilliant inspirations behind the work like Jean Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring and Damien Hurst – as well as some local artists who Terox will be working alongside at Bridge festival and ELEMENTS Street Art Festival. As well as graffiti, Terox also loves DJing and is a big fan of old school hip-hop artists like Nas, Rakim and Biz Markie to name a few. 

it’s a fresh, bold, experimental and colourful expression of how I view the world

Terox first drummed up a storm last year when his artwork Bubbles was selected to be in the Baltic’s open call exhibition. “When I found out my piece had been accepted I was really excited as I’d always wanted to have my work shown there. I’d love to have my own show there one day.” It’s so inspirational to hear these big dreams from someone so young, yet so motivated and driven. It’s especially exciting as Terox’s solo exhibition, Garden Graff, is set to open at Bottleworks in the Ouseburn Valley from Monday 29th July-Wednesday 7th August. “It’s two years of my work all come together in one place. It’s contemporary graffiti, inspired by traditional graf but mixed with my contemporary view of my surroundings – it’s a fresh, bold, experimental and colourful expression of how I view the world.”

Graffiti is often an art form that is overlooked and forgotten, yet it is one of the most accessible forms of expression. Newcastle has such a vibrant and supportive street art scene and it’s so exciting to see the ripple effect that this can have on young artists such as Terox. “Graffiti and art makes me happy and I’ve met some amazing people already, young and old, all following what they love.” Terox hopes his exhibition will help encourage others to get into graffiti, and “inspire them to pick up a spray can, pencil or paint brush and get creative.” 

With a part in a TV show, a mural at Redcar Contemporary Art Gallery and a show at Alphabetti Theatre plus more on the horizon, Terox’s future is looking bright and covered in spray paint. Chatting with him reminded me of how important it is to have a supportive network who encourage your dreams, and that young people’s voices are so vital and powerful, and must be seen and heard.

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