Northern Cape artist needed to create impactful mural

The William Humphreys Art Gallery (Whag) in Kimberley would
like to commission a muralist or graffiti artist to produce a public mural that
responds to the 30th anniversary of democracy.

Interested artists must be available to produce the mural in
Kimberley from 11 to 15 March.

“If Walls Could Talk” is a community arts and cultural
development initiative of the Whag that invest in the promotion of creative
interventions in public spaces in the Northern Cape.

For this initiative, experienced graffiti artists or
muralists are invited to submit concept designs for a public mural according to
the following specifications:

  • the mural must be 7,50 m x 2,65 m;
  • the project budget is R25 000 – this is a cost to company
    budget and is inclusive of the completion of the artwork, all materials, as
    well as travel and accommodation if needed); and
  • the location of the mural will be Kimberley.

Applications opened on Thursday, 18 January with the 9
February the closing date. The successful artist will be notified by 23

To apply, complete the application form, and submit it
together with supporting documentation to with the subject
line “If Walls Could Talk 2024″ by 12:00 on 9 February.

Applicants need to be registered on the central suppliers

For more information on all the needed documents to apply,
and to get the links to the application form and how to register, visit William
Humphreys Art Gallery on Facebook; alternatively contact the gallery directly.

Muralists or graffiti artists can apply to produce a public mural that responds to the 30th anniversary of democracy. The location of the mural will be Kimberley. Photo used as illustration.

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