Omaha leader reflects on hip-hop’s cultural impact as Breaking makes its Olympic debut


OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) – Music, dance and art are Houston Alexander’s key ingredients for the flavor that is hip-hop culture.

“All of it kind of came together culturally. A phenomenon that was starting on the east coast, which spread all throughout the United States and from the west coast throughout the United States as well,” said Alexander, of the Houston Alexander Foundation.

From the streets of New York in the 1970s to the Paris Olympics this year, the art of Breaking is hitting the floor on a global scale.

“As a b-boy myself, I’ve got to watch. And of course, it’s a very proud moment,” Alexander told 6 News.

16 dancers known as B-Boys and B-Girls will face off, Improvising to the DJ’s tracks and hopefully taking home a medal.

While Alexander is excited that more people will be exposed to the art form, he doesn’t want its essence to get lost.

“It’s not a sport, it’s a dance. So I think a lot of people are just wondering, making sure that it’s not being exploited to the masses just for it to be used, abused and thrown away.”

In Omaha, Alexander gets the next generation in tune with the culture through his Culture Shock School Tour. He’s even brought in B-Boy legends like Ken Swift.

“My whole thing is preserving the history and keeping it alive. I think that people need to know that it did come from the Bronx and it came from Black and Brown people.”

He also points people to the Culxr House in North Omaha.

“This is one place that’s definitely a hub for what we’re trying to accomplish in our community and that’s moving the hip-hop culture forward,” Swift said.

On August 11, 2023 hip-hop turned 50-years-old. Alexander sees breaking in the Olympics as a full circle moment, closing out the milestone year.

“It’s very ironic that on the last day of the 50th anniversary that we are celebrating our culture all over the world through dance,” said Alexander.

Breaking kicks off Friday with the B-Girls competing. On Saturday it’ll be the B-Boys’ turn.

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