Waterloo Columbus Catholic claimed the title, Missouri Valley took fourth, and Underwood, West Sioux and Denver also competed Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023, in Class IV Hip Hop at the Iowa State Dance and Drill Team Association championship at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines.
Columbus received 377.5 (out of a possible 400) points from the four judges. Missouri Valley finished with 341.5 points, while Underwood tied for sixth with 327, West Sioux was eighth with 317.5 and Denver placed ninth with 316.5.
Keep checking back for more photo galleries from the three-day event and be sure to see these that already are online:
Class IV Hip Hop (Denver, Missouri Valley, Underwood, Waterloo Columbus Catholic, West Sioux)
Class VIII Hip Hop (Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln, Council Bluffs Thomas Jefferson, Davenport North, Sioux City West)
Class IX Hip Hop (Cedar Falls, Davenport Central, Sioux City East, Waterloo West)
Class II Hoopla and Class III Contemporary (Sioux City North, Sioux City West, Waterloo West)
Class VI Jazz and Class VII Jazz (Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln, Council Bluffs Lewis Central, Davenport North, North Scott, Pleasant Valley)
Jazz Class I and Jazz Class II (Akron-Westfield, North Butler, Remsen St. Mary’s, Riverside, West Fork)
Class III Kick (Davenport Central, Davenport West, Muscatine, Sioux City North)
Class II Novelty (Bellevue, Osage, Westwood, Wilton)
Class III Pom (Council Bluffs St. Albert, LeMars Gehlen Catholic, Woodbury Central)
Class VIII Pom (Forest City, Osage, Tipton)
Class XIV Pom, Part 1 (Davenport Central, Davenport North, Davenport West, Muscatine)
Class XIV Pom, Part 2 (Bettendorf, Council Bluffs Abraham Lincoln, Pleasant Valley, Sioux City North)
Class I prop and Class I Contemporary (AHSTW, Grundy Center, New Hampton, Riverside, West Monona, AHSTW.
Class I Color Guard (Aplington-Parkersburg, Garner-Hayfield/Ventura, Louisa-Muscatine, Riverside, Tipton, Underwood)
Classes II and III Color Guard (Council Bluffs Lewis Central, Glenwood, LeMars)
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