The Italian street artist Jorit talks to Putin, then the photo together


It is Ciro Cirullo, a well-known street artist known by the name of Jorit, the young Italian who last night spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin during a youth forum in Sochi.

“We have always been admired by Italian art – Putin told him – and it has always kept us close.” But it is not only art, according to Putin, that unites Russia and Italy. «Italy’s fight for independence, Garibaldi, hasn’t this united us? This has always united us.” “Italians always have a desire for freedom in their hearts” , added the Kremlin’s number one, and “this means that you respect the desire of other peoples to make their choices and choose their destiny”.

At the end of the forum Jorit asked Putin if he could take a photo with him, because, he said, “in Italy they say a lot of strange things about her”. “Sure, as long as you don’t pinch me to make sure I’m a real person,” the Russian president replied.

In Sochi Cirullo also met the actress Ornella Muti, who is in Russia these days. Jorit is also known for having created a large graffiti representing a little girl crying under the bombs in Mariupol , a Ukrainian city on the Black Sea conquered by Russian troops in 2022.

«The idea – he explained – was to show the problems of the children of Donbass to the whole world. Western media often distorts reality. For example, they talk about the suffering of children in one country, but remain silent about what happens in the neighboring one.”



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