Jay Kila serves as the protagonist, leading viewers through a comedic exploration of the Indian hip-hop scene. This innovative narrative takes center stage in the post-Gully Boy era, shedding light on the dynamic and evolving world of Indian hip-hop. Jay’s character becomes a vessel for dissecting cultural identity and the artist’s journey in the modern, interconnected world rooted in his real life experiences divided between New York and Mumbai, “you’re always trying to find opportunities, hitting people up for gigs, dodging scams, etc. Growing up in NYC though you are exposed to a lot of the world at a young age, and lots of different types of people. One thing in particular that comes to mind from growing up there is you get a good sense of who’s real and who’s not. New York is full of people trying to take advantage of you (like Mumbai) so you end up being not as gullible or able to be finessed as much, something very useful in the hip-hop scene and entertainment industry.”
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